Showers are energy intensive, but no one wants to go without for a couple of days! Water takes a LOT of energy to heat up and the longer and hotter the shower is, the more energy you use.
If everyone in a 6 person house showers on average 1.2 times per day for 10 minutes they use £700 of water and £200 of gas across the academic year. Cutting the shower to 5 minutes can save £60 and £17 on water and gas per person respectively! Across the house, this saves 850 kg of CO2.
Another way to save energy is to reduce the amount of water used. Most electric showers have an eco or low power setting that will cut the flow by around half saving a further £40 per person on water, £7 per person on gas, and 200 kg CO2.
Totalling, halving the shower time and reducing the water flow saves £122 per person and 1.1 TONNES of CO2! If all of the houses across Selly saved this much CO2 it would avoid a massive 2,500 tonnes of CO2! Pretty impressive for something as simple as sorting your showers!