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Radiator Settings- Dial back your heating bills

Do you have rooms in your house that you heat but rarely use? This is a common problem that wastes loads of energy. Most radiators have dials that allow you to control heat they release by varying water flow. These can be used to make sure those unused rooms aren't burning a hole through your pockets.

Perhaps you find some parts of your house get too hot when the heating comes on? This can also be solved by adjusting the radiator dials, so that once a room reaches the right temperature, the radiator turns off, saving you money.

Here are 5 simple tips that can make a big difference:

1. Corridors and unused rooms don’t need to be heated as much so turning down the radiator can save money.

2. Kitchens are heated when you’re cooking so radiators can be turned down a little whilst you and your housemates are cooking in the evening.

3. Bathroom towel heaters left on full blast waste a huge amount of energy. It only needs to be slightly warmer to dry a towel, and might not need to be on all day.

4. If you have both a towel heater and a radiator in your bathroom, turn one of them off.

5. If a radiator is by a window, it loses a lot of heat. Turn it down a little and less heat is lost.

BES Top Tip: Spend 10 minutes going around the house and changing the radiator dial settings. You can make a massive difference!

How much can I save? Turning down radiators in your corridors, kitchen, bathroom, and living room can save up to £ 12 per person and avoid around 290 kg of CO2.

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