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It's as Easy as 1-2-3!

Radiators provide the heat for your house and you can make them more efficient using three easy methods:

1) Stick tin foil to a sheet of cardboard and place it behind the radiator. This reflects as much as 45% of radiative heat that would have otherwise been lost to heating the wall and the street, back into the air gap.

The tinfoil reflector alone saves £ 20 per year so there is potential for some significant savings. This also avoids 100 kg of CO­2.

2) Avoid placing anything on top of the radiator. It impedes airflow through the radiator reducing its efficiency.

A good way of telling if the radiator is at the right setting is to feel the bottom. If it is cool to the touch, it’s set correctly.

3) Ask your landlord to bleed the radiator to help remove any air trapped within them.

Total savings vary depending on how much bleeding the radiator needs, and if the radiators were heavily impeded previously.

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